Do you have comprehensive digital marketing goals? A properly defined set of online marketing goals will cover a range of different measures that will help set, review and control performance across all digital marketing activities.
As the holiday season approaches, it’s imperative that you’re prepared with your Black Friday, Cyber Monday and overall holiday strategy. This checklist provides some innovative ideas on how to maximize revenue from your holiday shoppers.
An example tells it best…one of the features listed for a pair of boots is “Repairable Goodyear Welt Construction”. Any idea what this is? Me neither. Now try this instead, “These black leather boots employ Goodyear Welt construction to keep… Read more ›
Connecting with your target market effectively requires the understanding of who your target buyers are and who you want to reach. By creating buyer personas or customer profiles, you can broadly identify groups of customers and optimize your marketing efforts… Read more ›
Back-to-school shoppers are increasingly turning to the internet for school supplies. According to PriceGrabber, online-only retailers rank as the 2nd most popular shopping medium back-to-schoolers will choose this year, surpassing office supply chains and department stores.
Ever wonder about the different selling vehicles Amazon offers for eCommerce? Here we take a look at: (1) Selling on Amazon – Amazon Fulfills (2) Selling on Amazon – You Fulfill (3) Product Ads on Amazon – Similar to Google… Read more ›
Expand your Adwords paid search presence with Google Products Ads (the small product images you see when searching Google). This 6-part guide will walk you through initial setup and configuration to bidding and targeting strategies.
Checkout out this great marketing tool called justuno. Our initial results have been stellar, so I figured I’d share. We’re seeing 13% of visitors viewing the coupon and 5% either giving a Facebook Like or providing their email address to… Read more ›
SEOGadget published an extraordinary infographic flow-charting the strategy, tools and secrets to your site becoming an highly efficient, converting machine. The text might be hard to read, but damn the information is good. has compiled 74 different landing pages to help spark ideas for creating incredibly appealing landing pages that will convert your traffic. Don’t forget to A/B test different versions to see which page will convert the best for your business!
The holy grail of eCommerce optimization. Quite possibly once of the GREATEST guides ever created on how to ‘win’ online. Print it out, read it, keep it handy and check out the awesome infographic to post on your wall…
LunaMetrics covers the basics on how-to properly configure your Adwords account and different options available when bidding on keywords.
Wordstream, an online toolkit dedicated to paid search management, provides the key questions small business owners need to ask themselves before spending money on a PPC campaign. Without a proper plan, you’ll likely throw money away on Google Adwords and… Read more ›
A comprehensive article outlining the differences in ad types between CPM (Cost Per Thousand) vs. CPC (Cost Per Click) vs. CPA (Cost Per Acquisition). Although written from a publisher’s view, the detailed breakdown of the various ad types is extremely… Read more ›
eBay and Amazon are both highly successful selling platforms, differences in operation, shopping experiences, and payments can leave sellers confused about which one they’d prefer to use. Need help deciding whether to sell on eBay, Amazon, or both? Here are… Read more ›
Wouldn’t it be nice to have the tedious process of nurturing leads to a sales-ready state automated for you? Your emails to leads would always be relevant, your sales pipeline would have fewer leaks, and you would have more time… Read more ›
Google has Adwords View-through Conversion, a PPC metric for Adwords Content Network, that measures the number of online conversions occurred within 30 days after a user saw but did not click a display ad on one of the websites within… Read more ›